North Star Goldens Application & Pre-Qualification for Ownership

Note to our applicants:  Providing accurate answers is an important part of the assessment process to ensuring that our goldens are placed in the best families possible.  It also helps us determine which golden temperament will best fit you and your family.  You can rest assured that your application will be kept confidential.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

First Name

Last Name

Your Email

Phone Primary

Phone Secondary (optional)




Where did you hear about us?

Logistics of Owning a North Star Golden Puppy:

1- Have you ever owned (or currently own) a dog? Please explain:
What kind, how long?

2- Are you experienced in training a puppy? Please explain:

3- What steps have you taken, or are willing to take, to improve upon your puppy training techniques/skills? For example: Books, educational media, classes, hands-on, etc.

4- How much time per day can you commit to training/socializing
your new North Star Golden?

5- Do all of the responsible parties in the household agree to the purchase and ownership of a new North Star Golden puppy? Please explain:

6- Is there someone who can be with your new North Star Golden puppy throughout the day to accommodate potty breaks and socialization? Please explain:

7- Is your yard fenced and/or secure/safe for a North Star Golden to play in?
Please explain:

8- Are you committed, and financially able to provide high quality dog food and veterinary care for your new North Star Golden puppy? Please explain:

9- Do you rent or own your home? If renting, does your landlord approve of pets at your location? Please explain:

10- If this is your first puppy, how well prepared are you for the changes dog ownership will bring? For example: shedding, possible chewing, digging, barking, slobbering, sanitary clean-up, costs for veterinary care, boarding, dog walking, training, socializing, grooming, dog sitting, transportation, etc.

11- What gender of dog are you looking for?

12- Will your new dog be an outside or inside dog, or both? Please explain:

13- What color of Golden do you prefer most? (English Crème or American Golden)

Temperament Compatibility Pre-Placement Assessment:

1- Will your new golden be living in a home with children?
How many?

2- On a scale from 1-5 (five being very active; one being relatively sedentary) how would you rate yourself and/or your family?

3- Does anyone in your home have special needs? For example:
Autism, Downs Syndrome, Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, etc. Please explain:

4- Will your new North Star Golden be a “working” golden? For example: Search & Rescue, therapy, hunting? How often? Please explain:

5- Anything else you would like to share?

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