
Hello Susan,

I am Andrew’s mother and he is here visiting with his pup for the week.  I just want to say that this is the sweetest and most precious pup.  He is just the best boy and has already brought so much joy to this house in the two days he’s been here.  It’s going to be hard letting him go back home with Andrew.

Andrew has said nothing but good things about you and I just want to let you know my son is very lucky to have found this pup (Rocky is the name now) and he is getting nothing but HUGE amounts of love and attention.

Hope you had a good holiday and thank you so much!

P.S. Oh Yes, by all means, please post my testimonial.  I was looking at your site with Andy and it said that Rocky had one little girl left.  I was very close to purchasing my own pup.   Andy will be here in the U.S. for maybe 6 mos or so, when he is on deployment we get to babysit the pup, how exciting for us!!  I never thought this little guy would touch me as he did. 
I’ve enclosed a picture that I took of him on Saturday.  I am a photographer and we had our first of many puppy portrait sessions, what a blast!
Have a Wonderful New Year and it was great hearing from you!

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